Non-Surgical Nose

Tucson Non-Surgical Nose

Non surgical nose is a wonderful alternative for patients interested in altering or enhancing the shape of their nose without undergoing invasive surgery. Benefits include virtually immediate results, no down time and little to no pain.

How does nose shaping work without surgery?

Dermal filler and neuromodulator are injected into targeted areas of the nose such as depressed sections of the nose, elevating the angel of the tip, or smoothing out the appearance of bumps on the bridge. This procedure is perfect for those not ready for surgery.
Dr. Barry Kusman, M.D. with a patient

Benefits of Non-Surgical Nose treatment

  • Help shape nose
  •  Improve nose contour
  • Smooth bumps
  • Improve symmetry
  • ✓ Non-Surgical approach

What should I know before Non-surgical Nose treatments?

Non surgical nasal reconstruction should not be done on those who have had more than one surgical reconstruction. Bruising and swelling are common side effects. Refrain from heavy exercise for 24 hours after procedure. Stop taking any blood thinners, fish oil, vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory medications 5-7 days before treatment. Consult with your doctor before you stop any medications. Avoid alcohol and red wine three days before treatment. Eating fresh pineapple and taking arnica or bromelain tablets 3-5 days before procedure can reduce the chance of bruising . 

What to expect after treatments?

Do not rub your nose. You may be slightly bruised and swollen after the treatment. Tylenol can be used for discomfort and arnica tablets/creams can be used for bruising.

Am I a candidate for Non-surgical nose treatments?

Come in for a consultation to allow the provider to examine your nose and determine the best technique to enhance your appearance and reach your desired goals.

Non-Surgical Nose Before & After

Browse treatment pictures in our Non-Surgical Nose Before/After Gallery.

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Non-Surgical Nose FAQ

It depends on how much filler is needed to achieve the desired result. Many patients achieve results after 1-2 treatments.

The effects vary from person to person, but generally last 12-24 months.

Dermal fillers are not painless, however, many of our patients report having little to no discomfort. If you are concerned with pain, we do offer numbing options as well as nitrous oxide with our ProNox system.

Non-Surgical Nose Treatment Timeline

Initial Visit
Followup Treatment
First Treatment
6 Months
Every 1-2 Years

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