
Tucson Kybella Treatment

Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable that improves the appearance of the jawline and other areas of the body by destroying fat cells. Kybella is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. A treatment with Kybella is fast, requires little downtime, and destroys fat cells permanently.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is injected under the chin to permanently destroy fat cells and get rid of your double chin for good! Results are permanent. With any Kybella treatment, usually 3-4 sessions are recommended separated by 4-6 weeks.

How can Kybella help me?

The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

Common Reasons for Kybella treatment

  • ✓ Get rid of double chin
  • ✓ Boost in confidence 
  • Non-Surgical treatment
  • ✓ Slimmer appearance

What should I know before Kybella treatments?

After Kybella, bruising and swelling can last a couple of weeks so it is important to plan accordingly. Schedule your procedure two weeks prior to any event to allow swelling and bruising to subside. Refrain from heavy exercise for 24 hours after procedure. Stop taking any blood thinners, fish oil, vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory medications 5-7  days before treatment. Consult with your doctor before you stop any medications. Avoid alcohol and red wine three days before treatment. Eating fresh pineapple and taking arnica or bromelain tablets 3-5 days before procedure can minimize the chance of bruising. 

What to expect after Kybella treatments?

After Kybella, bruising and swelling can last a couple of weeks so it is important to plan accordingly. Schedule your procedure two weeks prior to any event to allow swelling and bruising to subside. Soreness and tenderness in area is normal. Some pain/discomfort after treatment can be expected.

Am I a candidate for Kybella?

Kybella works best on patients with small to moderate amounts of fat under the chin and minimal skin laxity around the jawline. It is a less invasive alternative to surgery or liposuction. The best way for you to find out if Kybella® is right for you is to schedule a complimentary consultation at our office.

Kybella Before & After

Browse treatment pictures in our Kybella Before/After Gallery.

Kybella FAQ

Noticeable results are visible in 30-90 days.
Wait until you have achieved your weight goal before you do the treatment. If you gain weight after doing Kybella treatments, new fat cells can be formed in the area and more treatments may be necessary. In order to maximize your results, it is important to maintain a stable weight after treatment.
When injected into fat under the chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After reaching your desired aesthetic, further treatment is not expected.
You will likely have some swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin immediately following treatment. This may last for several days, so we always recommend planning your treatment during a time that you can rest and avoid social events.
Depending on your desired look and existing state, you will need two or more treatments. Your specialist will create a tailored treatment plan that is right for you.

Kybella Treatment Timeline

Initial Visit
Followup Treatment
Additional Followup
First Treatment
6 Weeks
6 Weeks

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